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paperwork being signed with a small blue toy car on desk what does a car warranty cover
What Does a Car Warranty Cover?
Car Warranties

If you remain confused over the type of costs your car warranty will cover, then we shed some light in our guide

An Endurance warranty. What does it cover teaser man working on his laptop holding a car in his other hand
An Endurance Warranty – What Doesn’t it Cover?
Car Warranties

Considering Endurance for your extended car warranty, but not sure what’s actually covered? We break it down

Should I buy an extended warranty on a used car - teaser. Car salesman with clipboard assesses used car at dealership
Should I Buy an Extended Warranty on a Used Car?
Car Warranties

If you’re unsure as to whether you should pay out for an extended warranty on your new used car, check out our guide

How much is an extended warrant teaser car on a low loader
How Much is an Extended Car Warranty?
Car Warranties

How much does an extended car warranty actually cost, and which one should you buy?

How to check your car warranty teaser man checking document
How to Check on Your Vehicle’s Warranty
Car Warranties

Bought a new vehicle recently and want to check on the specifics of the car warranty? We show you how

What is a powertrain warranty - teaser. Hands of a mechanic using wrench while working on car engine at garage workshop
What is a Powertrain Warranty?
Car Warranties

Planning to purchase a powertrain warranty? We explain what it actually covers and how best you can benefit from that type of warranty

What does bumper to bumper warranty cover teaser picture showing traffic jam
What Does Bumper-to-Bumper Warranty Cover?
Car Warranties

If you’re unsure about the specifics of what bumper-to-bumper warranties cover, then we reveal all in our explanatory guide

Top 10 safest cars to drive - teaser. Man behind steering wheel of car fastens his seat belt
Top 10 Safest Cars to Drive
Car Warranties

Safety testing is more stringent than ever, but what are the safest cars to drive in 2024?

How does car warranty work - teaser. Hand with an icon of a car in a shield shape in front of car
How Does a Car Warranty Work?
Car Warranties

It’s all well and good having a car warranty for your vehicle, but what happens when you actually have to use it?

Are extended car warranties worth it - teaser. Close up of one person's hand passing a car key to another person. A toy car, pen and warranty documents are on the desk
Are Extended Car Warranties Worth It?
Car Warranties

Exploring the benefits of paying extra for added peace of mind