How to Clean a Cuisinart Coffee Maker: For Perfect-Tasting Coffee Every Time

A clean coffee machine will deliver better-tasting coffee, so it’s worth taking the time to give your Cuisinart some TLC
If you’re a true lover of coffee, then you probably put a lot of time and effort into researching the best coffee maker you can buy before settling on your Cuisinart. But what if your coffee isn’t tasting as good as it did when you first bought your machine?
Chances are, your Cuisinart is in need of a thorough clean – and doing so should be all it takes to get your cup of coffee tasting its caffeine-laced best. Performing basic cleaning tasks straight after each brewing session, alongside regular descaling, will ensure your coffee maker works perfectly, and that the coffee it makes tastes the best it can.
But how do you go about cleaning your Cuisinart? In this guide, we explain all the tips you need to keep your Cuisinart at its sparkling best.
Why do you need to clean your Cuisinart?
Coffee grounds leave oils behind, which cling to your brewing basket. Over time, these start to turn rancid, thereby affecting the flavor of your coffee. In addition, the build up of grime from mineral deposits and limescale, particularly if you live in a hard water area, can also alter how your coffee tastes. In fact, if you don’t deep clean your coffee maker as recommended, you could find that large limescale deposits stop the machine from working properly altogether.
What are the signs that your Cuisinart needs cleaning?
We’ve already mentioned a change in the taste of your coffee, with drinks tasting bitter or insipid; you may even find bits floating in your drink. Other signs to look for are cloudy-looking coffee and/or white particles and film inside the Cuisinart machine itself. These are the visible signs of limescale and mineral deposits starting to build up.
Do note that cloudy coffee could also be a sign that you’re grinding your beans too finely – this is something to consider if cleaning your coffee maker doesn’t solve the problem.
How to clean your Cuisinart coffee maker after each brewing
It’s important to get into the habit of cleaning your Cuisinart each time you use it; but don’t worry, this should only take a few minutes (as long as you’re following our recommended descaling and deep-cleaning tips). Remember to let your machine cool completely before you get started, to avoid burning or scalding yourself on any hot parts.
Once the Cuisinart is cool, discard your used coffee grounds and paper filter. (On a side note – you can use coffee grounds as a plant fertilizer by simply mixing them into the soil.) Next, wipe down the outside of the coffee maker to remove any splashes or marks.
Finally, you need to clean the filter and glass carafe. We recommend using a mild detergent in warm water. Make sure you rinse thoroughly after washing to avoid any soapy taste to your coffee. Dry with a lint-free microfiber cloth before placing both back in the Cuisinart. Going forward, using filtered water in the machine will help prevent the build up of limescale.
How to use the self-cleaning function
Cuisinart coffee makers will alert you to the fact that it’s time to clean them – just watch for the LED ring around the Clean button light up, which indicates it’s time to descale the coffee maker.
Here’s how to run the cleaning function for the best results:
- Step 1: Remove the charcoal-based water filter from the water reservoir and make sure you’ve emptied out any water from the reservoir.
- Step 2: At this stage you can choose to use a descaling solution specifically formulated for coffee makers, or a natural solution of white vinegar and distilled water. If you use the descaling solution, follow the instructions on the packet. Alternatively, fill the water reservoir with a solution of one-third white vinegar and two-thirds distilled water.
- Step 3: Press and hold the Clean button until the clean indicator flashes to indicate that the Cuisinart is in Clean mode. You can then release the button.
- Step 4: Once the cleaning cycle is complete, you’ll hear five beeps, and the coffee maker will shut off. Empty the water reservoir and refill with fresh, cold distilled or filtered water.
- Step 5: Run a regular brewing cycle without coffee grounds to flush out any vinegar or descaling solution. If the Cuisinart still smells of either afterwards, repeat. Finally, replace the charcoal filter and your machine is ready to go.
How often should I deep clean my Cuisinart?
Although Cuisinart coffee makers will offer up an alert when it’s time to clean them, you do need to pay attention to the water in the area in which you live. We recommend using filtered water, particularly in hard water areas, since it will reduce the number of times that you need to clean your machine in a year.
There is a school of thought that suggests that it’s almost too late to clean your coffee maker if it’s showing a build up of limescale. We suggest cleaning your Cuisinart every three months, whether the machine’s Clean light is on or not.
How do I remove ingrained stains?
If, after cleaning, stains remain in your glass carafe, don’t despair. Fill the carafe half-full with very hot (not boiling) water and top up the other half with white vinegar. Now leave to soak for at least 30 minutes; you can leave it as long as overnight for stubborn stains. Rinse in warm, soapy water, using a bottle brush to scrub hard-to-reach areas. You can also use a denture tablet in hot water to clean the carafe – again, leave this for at least 30 minutes before rinsing and cleaning.
How do I change the filter in a Cuisinart coffee maker?
This is very simply done – just follow these easy steps:
- Step 1: Remove the new filter from its bag and soak in cold tap water for at least 15 minutes.
- Step 2: Place the filter into the filter holder and snap it shut.
- Step 3: Run cold tap water through the holes at the bottom of the compartment for at least 10 seconds.
- Step 4: Allow the filter to drain the water completely.
- Step 5: Slide the water filter holder back into its channel in the water reservoir. Keep pushing until it reaches the base of the unit.