The benefits of having a single device

A 2-in-1 liberates you from having to use multiple devices – and it saves you money
Before I switched to the 2-in-1 Samsung Galaxy TabPro S, I used a separate laptop, tablet and desktop. That all feels like madness now: moving to a single device makes so much sense, in terms of management, physical space and cost. Here’s what I’ve found since starting this journey.
My data is there when I need it
Having so many computers worked, in a way, because I installed cloud synchronisation software on all my devices. The fact that the TabPro S has 4G built in makes it much easier to work with the cloud, because access to my files is available wherever there’s a signal – which these days is almost everywhere I travel.
However, for people who don’t use cloud services – or anyone who wants to make their life simpler – having a single device rather than a tablet and laptop is great. The current versions of all my documents are always with me, synced, even when I’m offline. This wouldn’t be the case if I was using a separate tablet and laptop.
It’s neater
My desk used to be swamped in cables and power supplies for my laptop, tablet and desktop. There wasn’t much room either, as the desktop PC took up loads of room. With just a 2-in-1 to deal with, I’ve cut down on cable clutter and have more desk space, only needing to find room to put the tiny TabPro S down.
The TabPro S adjusts to my demands
Thanks to the brilliance of Windows 10 and the hardware in the TabPro S, the UI adapts automatically via Continuum. As I’ve said in previous articles, that makes this 2-in-1 a brilliant laptop and an excellent tablet.
However, a USB Type-C cable plugged into a hub provides a single connection to standard desktop components including a monitor, keyboard and mouse. In this mode, the TabPro S becomes a fully featured desktop computer. To me, that’s important, as I prefer a larger display when I’ve got a lot of work to get through.
Fortunately, the TabPro S’s excellent Super AMOLED display acts as a secondary monitor when I want it.
The real benefit comes when I have to go out, as I can just pick up the TabPro S and go. Every app and document I was working on remains in the same state, so I can pick up exactly where I left off whenever I need to.
A 2-in-1 isn’t just a laptop and tablet, it’s a proper desktop computer too
Software is easier to manage
Many manufacturers have woken up to people using multiple devices, providing multiple licences as standard. In particular, anything bought in the Windows Store is exceptionally flexible allowing multiple installs that covered all of my Windows devices.
While things are improving, they’re not perfect and there are a few main issues. First, software bought outside of the Windows Store is always as flexible. For example, security software costs more if you want to cover multiple computers and mobile devices. Next, licences don’t always cover Windows and traditional tablets running a mobile OS. Finally, traditional tablets don’t always run the full version of an app, with some features missing or cut down.
With a 2-in-1, I don’t have to worry about licensing at all. More importantly, I know that I’m getting the full version of the software that works exactly the same regardless of whether the TabPro S is in desktop or tablet mode.
My back is thankful
Lugging around every bit of kit I needed was never good for my back, but the TabPro S has helped. I only need one device, and it weighs a little over 1kg plus a tiny power supply. It’s the kind of device I can just throw in my bag and take everywhere without even thinking about it.
I honestly use it more
Using three devices meant that each one was underutilised. In fact, I’d try and find reasons to turn the tablet on and use it, as I felt guilty if I hadn’t used it in a while. I don’t have to force myself to use the TabPro S, as it’s the only device I use for everything from work to watching video in the garden.
The TabPro S is a great companion for work and for watching video
Life with a 2-in-1 makes a lot of sense. It cuts down on waste; you use the device more; it saves you money; and it means you need to carry less kit. The way that I work and relax is definitely changing!