Spotify mocks eBay, warns ONE USER about tiny data breach

Personal details of one Spotify user compromised, prompting company to alert all users and update Android app
Personal information about one Spotify user has been accessed by hackers, prompting the company to alert all users and force an upgrade of its Android app.
The company said the personal data of the one Spotify user did not include any password, financial or other payment information. Spotify said it has contacted the individual and that no other users were affected.
“We take these matters very seriously and as a general precaution will be asking certain Spotify users to re-enter their username and password to log in over the coming days,” said Spotify’s chief technology officer Oskar Stål.
The company will also be asking all Android app users to upgrade over the coming days. Spotify said that only Android users will need to update and that iOS and Windows Phone users wouldn’t need to do anything.
Offline playlists will need to be re-downloaded in the new version of the Android app, the company said.
“We have taken steps to strengthen our security systems in general and help protect you and your data – and we will continue to do so. We will be taking further actions in the coming days to increase security for our users,” Stål said.
Spotify’s approach is in stark contrast to eBay, which last week revealed that 233 million user accounts has been compromised when hackers stole personal details and passwords. The company was criticised for taking days to email customers asking them to change their passwords.