Why does my bed creak when I move?

Get your sleep back on track with these tips for dealing with nuisance nighttime noises
A bed that creaks when you move can be a source of nightly annoyance at best, and a sign that your mattress could be on its last legs at worst. Creaks and squeaks from problem parts can keep you awake at night, broadcast your bedtime activities (*ahem*) to family members and neighbours and stop you from getting the rest you need to be at your best.
Ultimately, the goal should be to fix your squeaky bed, which could mean anything from tightening a few bolts to forking out for a new mattress. You may need to invest in one of the best mattresses for reasons unrelated to squawking, however. But, before we get to that point, you’ll need to establish why your bed is creaking in the first place.
Here’s what you need to know.
Why is my bed frame creaking?
If it’s the bed frame itself that’s making the creaking noises, the good news is that it’s most likely a very simple fix. Chances are, a loose bolt or two is responsible, so your first step should be going around the frame and making sure everything is tightened up.
If there’s still creaking, the next step should be to apply lubrication. Use it on any joining surfaces – particularly corner joints – and anywhere there could potentially be metal rubbing on metal.
Hopefully, the creaking has abated by this point but, if it hasn’t, it’s likely due to friction caused by the frame rubbing against something – most likely a wall or the floor. If that’s the case, you can purchase adhesive furniture pads cheaply from Amazon or most good hardware shops. Simply pop them on the feet of the bed and make sure the bed isn’t directly touching any walls and, hopefully, that should be the problem solved.
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Why is my mattress creaking?
There is a chance that even after all of these steps, your bed may still be creaking when you move. If so, it could be an issue with your mattress, rather than the bed frame and, unfortunately, this isn’t as simple to correct. Usually, a creaking mattress is caused by one or more broken springs, and replacing them simply isn’t time- or cost-effective, so it might be time to stump up the cash for a replacement if you want to get your sleep back on track.
Why is it bad to sleep on a worn-out mattress?
Sleeping on a broken mattress isn’t going to be great for your quality of sleep, that’s a given, but it could cause other problems too, according to Tristine Hargreaves, executive director of the National Bed Federation (NBF) and Bed Advice UK.
“You certainly won’t get any refreshing sleep on a worn-out mattress,” Hargreaves told Expert Reviews. “And you run the risk of developing skeletal problems – bad back, sore neck, hips and shoulders. Are you one of those who is careful what you eat and exercise regularly but then spend your nights on a worn-out mattress and wonder why you don’t feel as good as you should? If so, getting a new bed or mattress can literally change your life for the better.”
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