How to fix a squeaky bed: Silence noisy bed frames and mattresses with these top tips

A squeaky, creaky bed can hinder sleep, derail intimate moments and potentially indicate a problem with your mattress. Here’s how to fix it
If a squeaky bed is driving you to distraction then you’ve come to the right place. Whether your mattress has developed an irritating creak that presents itself now and then, or your entire bed frame is groaning and shrieking everytime you roll over, a noisy bed can be a serious source of nocturnal frustration.
Not only can a squeaky bed cause you to wake up during the night, impacting the quality of your sleep, it can telegraph intimate moments to neighbours, family members, housemates or whoever else happens to be on the other side of the wall. Even if you can cope with the noise, it’s still worth investigating, since it could suggest a structural issue with the frame. As you can probably imagine, worse than being roused from your slumber by creaking is being rudely awoken by a collapsing bed.
Thankfully, rarely will the squeaking from a bed be the result of anything sinister – and it can often be corrected quickly. Below, you’ll find our tips to help you banish nuisance noises from your bedroom, and if you find the cause is a worn out mattress, then we include some expert-approved picks of the best mattresses on the market to ensure a silent night.
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Why is my bed squeaking?
The most common source of squeaking is the bed frame. This is often because one or more of the connecting bolts haven’t been tightened properly during assembly, or they’ve worked themselves loose over time. If this is the case, the moving joints can cause various parts to rub against one another, which can result in irritating squeaking noises.
Why is my mattress squeaking?
If you’ve checked your bed frame’s fixings, and everything appears to be together as it should be, then the culprit could be your mattress. In this case, it won’t be such a simple fix.
If your mattress is a pocket-sprung model, a dodgy spring is probably the root of the problem. While it might be possible to fix it, it will be a job for a skilled upholsterer. As such, the most cost-effective solution might be to replace the mattress altogether.
How to fix a squeaking bed
Before you rush straight out to buy either a replacement bed frame or mattress, first establish the cause: frame or mattress? If the frame is to blame, there are a number of steps you can take to silence the squeak.
1. Tighten nuts and bolts – The most common cause of a squeaky frame is loose bolts and/or screws. Work your way around the frame, checking all fixings and tightening those that aren’t completely locked out.
2. Lubricate metal parts – If that doesn’t stop the squeaking, lubrication should be your next port of call. Locate any parts where metal could potentially be rubbing on metal and apply a few drops of oil. Pay particular attention to joints, since these are the areas most prone to developing creaks and squeaks.
3. Add some padding – It’s possible that neither of the solutions above will fix your problem. If this is the case, it’s likely that the squeaking might be the result of friction between the bed frame and one of the surfaces with which it has contact. This could be friction against the mattress itself, the floor or potentially, a wall.
To fix it, place some padding between the two surfaces. Furniture pads can be bought From Amazon for not much money, and you can simply stick them straight onto the feet of the bed or onto any parts of the frame that are coming into contact with a wall. To dampen friction between the mattress and frame, use old towels, T-shirts or socks placed between the two surfaces.
If the mattress is responsible for the squeaking and creaking noises, then it’s time to upgrade; check out our suggestions below.
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