Are Baby Monitors Worth It? The Pros and Cons of Nursery Monitors

We asked parents and spoke to experts to find out whether, based on their first-hand experience, baby monitors are really a necessity
When faced with a long, and often costly, list of essentials to buy in preparation for their new arrival – from a crib and a stroller, through to clothes, toys, and diapers – is it any wonder many parents question whether a baby monitor is really worth it?
The answer is usually a matter of practicality. The primary reason most parents choose to invest in a baby monitor is so that they can keep tabs on their child while they’re sleeping, especially if the child’s room is out of earshot. But there are actually a host of other benefits that can come with using a monitor, from useful information that can assist with parenting, to peace of mind while away from home.
However, that’s not to say that using a baby monitor will be right for everyone – there are potential drawbacks to be aware of, including some that may fuel your anxiety.
Do I need a baby monitor?
Real-time audio and video can offer peace of mind, and most parents who use a baby monitor will point to the comfort and reassurance they get from being able to hear and see their baby sleeping.
But, while allowing caregivers to monitor their child’s safety from a distance is certainly convenient, an over-reliance on monitors may lead to dependency, and even increased anxiety, disrupting the development of natural parental instincts. So, it’s crucial to strike a balance between being ever-vigilant and trusting your intuition for a baby monitor to be beneficial for both the parents and the child.
It’s also worth knowing that there are some baby monitors – known as “smart monitors” – that can provide parents with useful additional data about the quality of their little one’s sleep, on top of the usual functions. This can certainly be helpful when working to improve the baby’s sleep, as they allow you to track their progress in real time.
Can’t I just use a regular Wi-Fi camera?
You can, but you will miss out on some of the useful functionality that many of the best baby monitors can deliver. For example, some monitors feature integrated lullabies, white noise generators, and night lights, all of which can help soothe a baby to sleep. Some may offer room temperature readings, so you can ensure the baby’s sleeping environment isn’t too hot or cold. And some monitors have night vision cameras, and even allow the user to swivel the camera around using an app on their phone, letting them see more of the room.
The pros of investing in a baby monitor
There are various factors that may convince you to get a baby monitor, and we’ve detailed some of the most noteworthy ones below. We’ve also spoken with some recent new parents who used – or are still using – a monitor themselves, for their experience.
Gives you peace of mind and the freedom to enjoy your evenings
Whether it’s audio-only or video-enabled, the main advantage of using a baby monitor is a very practical one: being able to see and/or hear your child from another room while they sleep is why most parents use a monitor.
This is particularly handy if your child’s room is out of hearing range. As Marie, mom to two-year-old Artemis, explains: “We use our baby monitor in the evenings. We can’t hear anything at all from Artie’s room when we’re downstairs, so we really need one.”
Generally, even the most basic baby monitors will feature light-up alarms to get your attention when your baby cries. Marie adds: “Having a monitor also allows us to watch TV, or listen to music as loud as we want in the evenings, knowing that we’d hear if Artie needed us.”
Particularly with the latest Wi-Fi-enabled video monitors, the ability to enjoy your evening without worrying about your little one can even extend to those precious few nights out. As mom-of-one Annalise tells us: “I feel much more confident leaving our son with a babysitter if I can steal an occasional look at him on the monitor.”
Provides helpful data
Many modern monitors can supply parents with helpful information like room temperature or the humidity level. And, since it takes time for infants to develop the ability to regulate their own body temperature, this can be invaluable when it comes to keeping your baby safe and comfortable.
“We specifically looked for a model with a temperature gauge”, says Annalise. “This data has really helped us when deciding how to dress our son for bed and which tog sleeping bag to use.”
Monitors with built-in thermometers will often alert you when the temperature drops below 68ºF or rises above 72ºF, the generally recommended range for safe baby sleep.
Helps avoid unnecessary wakings
Many new parents may find themselves hovering at their baby’s bedroom door, listening for every tiny sound and agonizing over whether or not to go in, potentially waking them up unnecessarily. In such a situation, video monitors can be a huge help.
For example, if you can see that baby is sitting, or even standing up, then you’d probably want to enter and help settle them back down. But if you can see that their eyes are closed and they’re simply tossing and turning, or moaning softly, in their sleep then you’re probably justified in waiting a couple of minutes.
“We had an audio-only monitor for ages but switched to a video one when sleep deprivation pushed us to start sleep training”, shares Sam, mom to Rita. “The video monitor allowed us to see if we actually needed to go in and help, or if she was just having a dream, in which case going in would actually disrupt her and potentially ruin our whole night.”
Allows you to capture key moments
Some monitors offer some recording functionality, enabling you to capture cute – and possibly even crucial – moments on camera.
As dad Kevin illustrates: “We’ve toyed with whether it’s time to stop using a baby monitor, but our two-year-old has just started singing to himself when he wakes up. It’s absolutely adorable, and the monitor has allowed us to not only watch him as he sings, but also capture the moment on video to share with family.”
However, he importantly adds: “We were also able to capture audio of our son coughing at night when he was being investigated for asthma, and play the recording back to the doctor.”
READ NEXT: Best Baby Thermometer
The cons of investing in a baby monitor
Our conversations with parents also revealed some negative factors that you may want to consider when you’re investigating whether to get a baby monitor. We’ve addressed these below, with input from experts regarding their validity.
Potential for increased anxiety
Although many parents find the ability to check in on their little one while they sleep reassuring, for others it can actually heighten their anxiety, preventing them from relaxing during those precious moments of downtime.
Fear that others are getting it wrong when they’re supposed to be caring for your little one, or that feeling of not being in full control of their wellbeing are all too common, particularly for new moms. And many might find themselves checking to see how dad is doing putting the child to bed, when they’re supposed to be out, re-connecting with friends.
If this is a problem for you then Anna Mathur, a psychotherapist who specializes in parental mental health, suggests some strategies to manage this anxiety:
“Find a mantra, such as ‘she is safe, she is loved’, and repeat it to yourself when you find the anxiety rising”, she shares.
“Perhaps you log out of the app for the evening and ask the caregiver to call you should there be any problem. Keep your phone on loud and remind yourself of their promise.”
She adds: “Allowing someone else to care for your child helps form the village and enables you to get some much needed breathing space.”
Worries about cybersecurity
Some parents we spoke to said they had doubts over whether baby monitors are safe from hackers, fears that have largely been fueled by news reports of outside parties gaining access to people’s devices.
However, while stories about baby monitors being hacked are undoubtedly scary, thankfully, they’re very rare. The experts and retailers we spoke to assured us that cybersecurity is something that brands and manufacturers take extremely seriously, and the Wi-Fi connections that are used in cameras these days have the same level of encryption as most banking apps, so there is little reason to be concerned.
That said, the apps you need to use with smart monitors typically require you to set up an account to log in, so it’s vital that you create and maintain a secure password.
It is worth noting that these hacking incidents tend to be linked specifically to Wi-Fi-enabled models so, if this is a serious concern, you can always choose a simple device with just a camera unit and a screen unit instead.
How much should I spend on a baby monitor?
How much you might expect to spend on a baby monitor will largely depend on what you want it to do. There are monitors available at a wide range of price points – starting from around $15 and going up to around $300 – to suit different budgets and requirements.
At the top end of the range, one of the best high-end smart monitors that we’ve tested is the Nanit Pro, with an RRP of $250, though you can often find it for significantly less. This high-tech smart monitor features brilliant high-definition picture quality, has a cable-free above-cot design, and provides detailed feedback on your little one’s sleep patterns.
However, while these features may be useful, they may be overkill for some parents, so it’s worth considering what’s most important to you before purchasing.
Final thoughts
It might not be the cheapest bit of baby kit you’ll buy but, as most of the parents we spoke to agreed, a baby monitor is really worth the investment – especially if the baby’s room is out of earshot.
For peace of mind, they’re practically essential. Being able to enjoy your baby-free time, with reassurance that all is well from a simple glance at a monitor, is something that many parents value highly. And if you pay a little more, you’ll be able to enjoy other benefits, including data that can help inform your parental decision-making, or the ability to record your child when they’re in bed – both the cute and the critical moments.
Of course, if checking-in becomes too frequent, fueling anxiety in the process, it might prove to be a disadvantage. However, as we mentioned above, there are strategies parents can adopt to manage such worries. And parents should also rest assured that any concerns over their monitor’s security are unfounded, provided they use secure passwords when using a Wi-Fi-connected device – something that’s good advice for everyone.